RED flowers for your Garden

June 24,2014

If RED is your color, and it is one of the most eye-catching colors within a landscape, we offer these recommendations: ONE OF OUR...
Pink Flowers in Your Garden

June 22,2014

Here are some recommendations for those that love PINK flowers: Helleborus: Though buried under snow, hellebores survive to push flowers up...
Japanese Beetles

June 18,2014

What are Japanese Beetles? Japanese beetles are small pests that carry a big threat. They do not discriminate on what types of plants to feed on,...
How Regular Pruning Can Keep Your Plants Free of Disease

June 17,2014

Pruning Your Plants to Keep Them Disease-free Pruning is a major part of gardening and property maintenance. The most attractive landscapes can be...
Deer in Your Garden

June 16,2014

Actual photo of our Project Manager, Joe Hayes', garden White tail deer may appear to be harmless, they are quite a nuisance in the garden. These...
10 Common Ways Humans Hurt Their Trees

June 13,2014

Here are ten common ways you can harm trees that grow in yards and urban wood lots. More often than not, a tree owner does not realize the tree...
More Summer Flowers

June 12,2014

Bleeding heart It's easy to see the origin of bleeding heart's common name when you get a look at its heart-shape pink or white blooms with a...
Summer Flowers: General Information, Planting and Care

June 11,2014

Annabelle Hydrangea General Information:  With immense billowy blossoms, hydrangeas flaunt an old-fashioned charm that is hard to resist. Colors...
Raspberry Plants

June 10,2014

Raspberry Plants - Botanical name: Rubus Raspberries are naturally inclined to grow in cooler climates, although the development of adaptable...
Blueberry Plants

June 9,2014

Blueberry Plants - Botanical name: Vaccinium The modern blueberry is a 20th century invention. Before the 1900s, the only way to enjoy these North...