Are We Safe From Frost?

May 14,2013

As a general rule, after Mother’s Day it is usually safe to plant your annuals! Ann Arbor actually has an average last frost date of April...
Late Spring Frost Hits Us Again

May 13,2013

Unfortunately it has happened again.  We have had a few beautiful warm weeks, and everything has started to bloom, and we've been hit with frost...
Don’t Forget… We’ve Extended Our Hardwood Mulch Special!

May 10,2013

$53/yard installed (includes delivery) OR $32/yard for delivery only (minimum3 yards) Also…don’t forget to ask about our… FREE...
Plant of the Week – Magnolia

May 6,2013

Magnolia There are over 200 species of Magnolia, and thousands of cultivars to choose from.  Most of the Magnolias grown here bloom in the...
Why Soil Test?

May 2,2013

At Twin Oaks, our goal is to provide a sustainable solution for you by giving you the opportunity to get the best value out of your landscape. ...
Spring is Finally Here… It’s Time for Mulch!

May 1,2013

Hardwood Mulch Special $53/yard installed (includes delivery) OR $32/yard for delivery only (minimum 3 yards) Also…don’t forget to ask...
Plant of the Week – Snowdrops

April 23,2013

Snowdrops These dainty little flowers are among the first to bloom in the spring.  They must be planted in the fall, so make a note of this...
Plant of the Week 4/23/2013 – Tulips

April 23,2013

Tulips If there is one plant out there that really says “SPRING” it’s the tulip!  Available in virtually every color, it is one of the...
The Purpose of Mulching

April 17,2013

Description: 1.  CONTROLS WEEDS - suffocates weeds - saves labor time and money - reduces competition for water and nutrients -...
Plant of the Week – Taxus

April 15,2013

Taxus In honor of tax day, let’s talk about Taxus!  Taxus is the latin name for the much loved and much hated Yew plant. Yew’s are...