June 12, 2014
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Bleeding heart
It’s easy to see the origin of bleeding heart’s common name when you get a look at its heart-shape pink or white blooms with a protruding tip at the base of the heart. They grow best in partial to full shade in moist, well-drained soil. Some types bloom only in spring and others bloom spring, summer, and fall, provided temperatures aren’t too high.
Mountain blue is an excellent choice for the border or rock garden. Blue flowers open from attractive buds in late spring to midsummer, then leave behind a mass of vigorous, silvery-green woolly foliage and woolly stems. It’s noteworthy characteristics are blue, spidery flowers, it also self-seeds. Best to grow in moist soil in sun or partial shade. Easy to divide in fall if it begins to crowd its neighbors.
Japanese anemone
Anemones, also known as windflowers, are a diverse group, with various species blooming in spring and fall. Some have fibrous roots and are found in the perennials section of nurseries and garden centers. Others grow from tubers that are sold and planted in the fall along with spring-flowering bulbs like tulips. Spring blooming anemones are low growing plants that are good choices for woodland and rock gardens.
All anemones are poisonous if ingested.
Butterfly milkweed: requires full sun, prefers average, drier, well drained soil. Plants are slow to emerge in spring, and will self sow but takes a couple years to flower. Plants develop a large taproot which makes it difficult to divide or move the plant successfully. Cut stems release a sap that can cause skin irritation. Established plants generally don’t require supplemental fertilizer but may benefit from a light application of compost. Cut back dead foliage in early spring. Plant new plants in spring. If moving or dividing existing plants is necessary, do this in spring after foliage emerges.
For the summer, deadhead flowers once faded to encourage repeat blooms. Retain flower heads if you wish to encourage self sowing and have seed pods for fall interest Make sure new plants receive ample moisture during dry periods.
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