Each season has new developments in a landscape in Ann Arbor MI. For example, autumn may result with more dead leaves in your lawn than you can handle. This is when some ingenuity and creativity comes in. Apart from raking the leaves and throwing them away or burning them, there are some benefits you can gain from using dead leaves. Raking fallen leaves before winter will ensure you benefit from the leaves. The uses of dead leaves are:
Winter mulch
As you do your seasonal cleanup on your lawn or yard just before winter, make sure you save the leaves for winter mulch. Many perennial shrubs and plants require winter protection prevent their roots from damage resulting from extremely cold temperatures. Dead leaves are ideal for making winter mulch.
Mound the dead leaves in a 4 – 6 inch layer around the base of plants and shrubs. To ensure the root system is covered completely, extend the leaf mounds out to the shrubs’ drip line. Flowers and perennial plants should also be covered with a substantial layer of dead leaves. Take note that the leaves need to be placed before the ground freezes and removed before the ground heats up the next spring. The move will ensure the roots do not overheat in the soil.
Lawn fertilizer
It is normal for people to get out their rakes and collect dead leaves for disposal as part of their lawn’s seasonal cleanup. Use a lawn mower instead of a rake. Leaving whole leaves on the lawn or yard may not be healthy for the grass as they would smother it. The best option would be mowing the lawn in a standard fashion because the mower will chop up the leaves.
When leaves are chopped up, they are reduced in size making the decomposing process faster and easier. Additionally, grass will be exposed to air and sun. The move allows the dead leaves to add nitrogen to the soil when they decompose. People who have followed this lawn fertilizer creation process in Ann Arbor MI have reported they no longer need synthetic fertilizers.
Brush pile
One of the best ways you can make an inviting environment for creatures in your lawn is by making a huge brush pile for them. Select a spot that is secluded and can be used to create a brush pile without anyone or anything disturbing it. Avoid creating a brush pile next to the foundation of a building. The pile might attract animals that will burrow under the foundation.
Begin by using large branches to create a base. Add smaller-sized branches around and over the large branches. Lean the smaller-sized branches to ensure the brush pile has a teepee appearance. Make the pile cozy and finish it by adding dead leaves around and in the branches. Once the brush pile is complete, expect to get small animals such as wild birds, box turtles, lizards, garter snakes, chipmunks and rodents.
Once you know how to view dead leaves on your lawn or yard with a different perspective, you will always find ways to use them to your benefit.
Get your yard looking its absolute best with custom landscaping solutions from Twin Oaks. Find us online at https://www.twinoakslandscape.biz/, visit us in Ann Arbor, MI at 4100 South Maple Road, or call us at (734) 213-6911.
Our experienced and talented team of landscapers can take care of even the biggest projects. Contact us today, and let’s start talking about your new landscape!
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