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Five Reasons Your Home Irrigation System May Not Be Working Perfectly

Automated sprinkler and irrigation systems can make lawn and landscape maintenance a snap, but systems that have been poorly maintained can also cause no end of problems for their owners. Any of the following issues may be the cause of poor or uneven irrigation, over-saturation or the presence of standing water as well as increased utility costs due to leaks and waste.

One: Leaks and Standing Water
The most common causes for equipment leaks typically include:

  • Frozen or burst pipes due to freezing temperatures
  • Cracks and stress fractures
  • Damage to sprinkler heads

Whatever the reason for a leaking irrigation system, failing to identify and address the problem quickly and effectively may lead to more serious issues and higher repair costs.

Two: Clogged Equipment

A clogged sprinkler head may not seem like a major problem, but even small clogs may result in a pressure rise that can cause significant damage throughout an irrigation system. Clogs are typically caused when dirt or other debris becomes lodged within a sprinkler head or other outlet. The presence of dry grass in areas that are typically well irrigated or standing water beneath a sprinkler are common signs that a clog may be present.

Three: Issues With Connective Hardware

Pipes and sprinklers are not the only components that may wear out or develop problems. Decreased water flow, impaired performance and other problems may occur should any of the following connective components wear out or become damaged:

  • Gaskets
  • Seals
  • Valves

Tracking down and identifying connective hardware that may be the cause of a problem can be all but impossible for those who lack the tools and experience that only a professional may be able to provide.

Four: Rust and Corrosion

Metal parts and components that are in direct contact with moisture may suffer from rust and corrosion. While irrigation systems typically incorporate pipes, fixtures and other hardware that have been specifically designed to resist corrosion, rusting hardware remains a very common problem. Visible signs of equipment rust, discolored water or reduced performance may all be a sign that an irrigation system may be overdue for service and maintenance.

Five: Aging Hardware

Even the most durable systems can wear out due to heavy use or simple old age. Older systems that are no longer able to offer the same level of performance or dependability that owners have come to expect can create many problems. Arranging to have a system inspected and assessed by a professional is often the only way to determine if maintenance solutions may be required or if owners might be better served by having their entire system replaced.

Superior Professional Services and Solutions

Maintaining an irrigation system can be a more difficult and challenging undertaking for those who lack the proper resources. Periodic service and routine maintenance can help to extend the useful operational lifespan of irrigation systems and ensure that owners are able to avoid the added expense and frustration that problems may cause.

Categories: Irrigation