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How to Improve Your Homes’ Curb Appeal

Something many of desire…all the time, not just when we’re selling our home.


Research shows that mature trees add significantly to the value of homes. They should complement the architectural lines of your home. They should neither hide the house nor cause it to be in the dark shadows. Overgrown trees should have their lower limbs removed or thinned out to show your home’s architectural details. Higher limbs can be further thinned out to add light to the garden below.


Shrubs provided the framework of foundation for the home and the rest of the landscape. They should be in scale with the size of your home. Plants that are overgrown give the impression of neglect. Cut back shrubs that cover windows or that have grown into the eves. Reshape plants (to more natural shapes) that have mindlessly been shaped by gardeners into balls or cubes.


No other element has as great an impact for good or bad as the front lawn. Remove weeds, fertilize, water, and over-seed (if necessary) so your lawn is healthy and lush green. If the lawn is beyond repair, replace it. Avoid the temptation to extend the lawn into corners with little space left for trees, shrubs, and flowers.

Entry & Front Door

The front door and entry walk should be easily seen from the street. Remove or cut back plantings that should obscure the entryway. Add seasonal color to make the walk to the front door stand out. The walkway is an extension of the home’s entry and is the first “floor” visitors step on. Make it safe and inviting.


  1. Green up the lawn
  2. Weeding and pruning shrubs
  3. Adding seasonal color with annual flowers
  4. Adding bark or mulch to flowerbeds
  5. Adding plants, the most mature you can find
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