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Complete Guide to Winterizing Your Landscape

The crisp air and falling temperatures is a clear indication of winter approaching. While this is a perfect time to reminisce about your childhood memories, it’s also the best time to prepare your landscape against vicious ice storms, bitter winds, and heavy snow.

Here are some essential tips on winterizing your landscape.

Fertilize Trees

Trees and shrub growth resumes during the cold season as the soil cools down and become moist. This makes it a perfect time to fertilize trees. Fertilization helps to increase the soil’s productivity both by encouraging root growth and in increasing nutrient availability. Healthy trees and shrubs can overcome the harsh winter weather and increase spring growth.


Winter is a perfect time to mulch your lawn. Applying a layer of organic material evens out soil temperatures during the cold season. Also, it makes it easier to get rid of weeds when they grow. Furthermore, a layer of mulch adds nutrients which make the top layer of soil light and airy. It’s crucial to save any grass clippings, dry leaves, or natural material when landscaping your home as this could serve as mulch.

Prune Gently

While most homeowners consider pruning an important aspect of maintaining their landscape, the truth is that over-pruning can do more harm than good. Extreme pruning affects the flow of energy and nutrients to the plant. If you’d like to prune, gently remove any crossed branches. Inspect the trees and cut any decayed or falling branches. Get rid of any high branches as they could turn into falling hazards. Certain species require special attention, and it’s best to consult a landscaping expert. Avoid excessive shearing of plants as this affects the plants when in the spring.

Remove any Debris and Leaves

Removing leaves from your lawn throughout winter is vital. This is because they can prevent sunlight from reaching the grass underneath. This also translates into less growth, which diminishes the grass of important nutrients. What’s more, it could lead to brown looking grass or patches of dead grass.

Deadhead Old Blooms

Once the plants are done blooming, it’s the best time to deadhead the flowers. Removing the remnants of flowers gives the plants an opportunity to grow.

Water the Plants

Watering is essential to the health of your shrubs and trees. As long as the temperatures are above freezing, water the trees about every three weeks. Trees and shrubs suffer from winter damage as a result of their inability to draw water from the frozen earth. Remember to water under the whole canopy and beyond to ensure that the root area is adequately covered.

Prevent Insect Damage

During winter, insects tend to damage deciduous trees. You can prevent this by spraying oil on them when the temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or high. Do not spray during freezing temperatures.

Landscaping requires you as a homeowner to complete various tasks. By properly pruning, cutting down dead branches, and watering your lawn, you’ll be able to enjoy a healthy landscape even during the cold weather.

Categories: Winter Services